Rocky place

Such a lovely warm sunny day...finally!
Bittersweet as its these types of days that hub so loved :-/

Slept ok, up just after 8, showered & hair done,
ate my breakfast sat in the garden, got my gardening gear together with a change of clothes , gathered up the lamp & lights I was taking back and hit the road about 9.45am.

Roads were pretty busy, temperature already 21 degrees, exchanged the lamp & lights, then called at Morrisons picked up some jersey royals for dinner later.

Sis decided she wanted to pop to the garden centre for some additionsl plants, I needed 4 more too....back to sis's, so I could plant them for her, as she can't do it with just the one hand at the mo lol!

We had dinner sat outside in the garden, lovely roast chicken, new potatoes and a big mixed salad with all the extras....and a little glass of chilled white wine :-)

I got changed and left them just after 7 to drive home....stopped off at the Flash as it was such a lovely evening, took a few photos.
Made me feel sad walking around there on my own, as it was somewhere me & hub walked a lot :-( had a few tears in the car as I drove home. Todays blip is just a simple shot from the waters edge, pretty I think :-)

Back at the ranch, set up my new lamp, base is flat, it has an on and off switch too ;-) Changed one of the down lighters in fire olace, made myself,a cuppa, watered thrmhanging baskets and tubs in the garden, fixed the one solar light that hadn't charged up ;-)

Now indoors watching Innocent, got through two episodes, another two tomorrow I think.

Hoping the weather is the same again tomorrow, lots to do in the garden!!

Hope youre all enjoying your bank holiday.

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