
By sas05

in focus

buggered if im gonner crawl on the ground to take pix of these poking their heads out of the damp soil .. so all done on guess-ti-mate.. love my canon camera and my tamron lens ..
full day off work today and nice to ease into the day, taking the girls into school just sets ya up for the day,, seeing friends ,,having the crac and mucking about with the kids before they go in is good for the soul. Had a nice lunch out with Mrs W. Just one spud too many .. thought i was gonner pop.. ok health kick starts tomorrow.. really must commit to a get fit regime again ,cant go on keep taking for granted health. In saying that think the spring and summer will bring its own feel good factor.
Got a couple of bands to see/ photograph this week.. usually see a band most weeks now, the girls are as we speak practicing on their guitars, im still bashing away on the drums, one of my next projects is start to expand my acoustic drum kit.. one of the bands that i have photographed and talk to are playing at the brook in august,, im gonner beg plead grovel for all im worth to see if i can have a lash on his drums during sound check.. if its the nearest thing that i get to do the real thing then thats one of my goals for this year,, play drums on the stage at the brook..

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