clean n green

the girls potted dwarf dafs sitting on the windowsill in the kitchen .. love the clean green colour and just two colours in the frame .. simplicity , uncluttered, sprinkled with depth and texture... nature does provide a lovely palette to draw from .
Went to my quiet place this morning, down on the pedestrian crossing on the main rail line to the west country just before Oakley.. It lovely to just sit there,, listen to the wind rustle the trees, today i watched a kestrel dance about into wind looking for a mid morning snack. Watched a couple of trains go by, mind you the trains we have these days are soulless creatures, like a plastic bag on wheels . When i used to come to this spot as a kid , and also the iron bridge just up track, we watched diesel electric trains thunder by .. you could hear and feel its big diesel heart thud ,, real rolling thunder. Im too young (hahhahaha too young, its so refreshing to be able to say that ) ) to remember the days of steam, steam and diesel electric had the same evocative qualities, noise and smell. Just transports me back to a different age in my life, Love the mystery and sense of occasion that being near trains give. its the tracks stretching out to the horizon , a little speck on the horizon, getting bigger than the action and noise as the train passes and then stillness again. I just like to sit there , for me its good for the soul..unclutters the mind as everyday seems to hit ya in the face like a huge snowball with no time to think just time to react to everything that happens.So looking forward togoing to the wide open spaces of california and arizona again on a road trip, really love driving along route 66 with route 66 radio playing through the wide open spaces..think we need that again..get away from the coltraphobia that everyday brings, shake off the shackles and breathe again in the big country,, travel boardens the mind, moreover allows the mind to breathe ..ali if ya read this , its been too long .. need to do some travelling ...

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