My Mini Adventure

By JJ46


Went for the results of the most recent MRI scan today... the fab news is that I do not need any more surgery as there are no more tumours in my lower back causing the symptoms in my foot. I have a couple of discs showing "wear and tear" which might be helped by some physio and exercise.

We actually saw the main man, the surgeon who performed my spinal neurosurgery last year, rather than one of his minions. He said I am doing very well indeed, considering it's only been one year since the surgery. He was not surprised that I still get pains in my shoulder area around the incision site and he was sorry that I have this horrid neuropraxia in my hand - he said some people get it and some don't from this type of surgery. It is probably something I have to learn to live with but it may still show some signs of improvement with more time. But the main thing is that he does not need to cut me open again.


Was going to do a hospital blip today, but totally forgot... so Mrs Rossi-cat was kind enough to pose for me. Bit blurry but very cute!

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