New local steps out of the Corona-crisis

The start of June. An important month. The beginning of Summertime and perhaps some easy living. Willemiens Sudden Death on Sundaymorning. Summersolstice.  The wedding of Mischa&Dolf here in the Townhall Rosegarden. Meeting new familly and old friends. I hope.
As for Corona-regulations we are just scaled down to level 2. What that means. If you want to have diner at a restaurant you can sit insisde too, if you register your actual negative test.
But still for foreigners to travel to Carlsheaven there are some extra barriers to jump, bureacratic forms to produce, opload. So for that reason I went to the testcentre to inform us about the possibility for foreign tourists to have a test after arrival. Yes , everybody is allowed to undergo the test for free here. If negative no quarantaine. Thats excellent news for the family of the bridegroom and the witnesses. Less insecurity.
With my own new negative testform I visited the acient local church to light a candle. And after making an appointment with Our Gardener, I paid a quick visit to Our dear friend Gerlinde. Welcome to drink a cool grapefruitjuice on her Sunny balcony. Both relieved that the severe lockdown isolation now really diminishes and moves in a better direction.
She told about the liberating experience of a musical performance of the Karlshaferner Stadtmusikanten last Saturday. While I was busy cutting down dead roses, they had danced around the Harbour. Next time hopefully I can participate. At least be present. Somewhere during the summer. The new flowerplants I brought home from the floristshop are waiting for their fresh alumina and new place on the balcony. But first comes a good nights rest. Sleep well!

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