
By Mindseye

Hobbling hound

Still felt tired when I woke but had to get up and get going.....good really, as it makes me focus, as was due over to sis's late morning.

I decided to have breakfast, then did some watering, before leaving a little earlier than necesary......gave me time to grab a coffee ;-)
Was lovely sat outside in the sun.

Sis and I had a few things to do, we both treated ourselves & bought new sketchers in the sale, we needed birthday cards too, then we shared a tuna melt pannini and side salad for lunch, then stopped off in Sainsburys for a
couple of things.....one bag of shopping, £39!! mind you it did contain a bottle of gin ;-)

On the way back to sis's house the temperature gauge in the car topped 26degrees!!! sis's hub was home when we got back, he helped us with shopping bags, then we all sat outside with a cold drink. Kobi joined us as gou can see.....hes on road walking only as he has a bit of a limp....front left shoulder. No wimpering or whining, maybe hes coming out in sumpathy with sis lol! She is keeping her eye on him......if it doesnt improve then a visit to the vets as soon as fhey open up fully, as she wants to be able to go in with him!

Finally managed to collect the clothes Ive been trying to sort out for DiLs birthday, only 3 weeks late!!! Seeing her to orrow, just hope she likes them.

Got home just after 8.30......a bit of cathcing up to do with "our 3" on whatsapp. Think I got the wrong end of the stick and one of my comments has caused some confusion :-/ no doubt we can sort things out to orrow, always better to speak properly rather than text or message, hub always thought so :-)

Not been too bad today as Ive been kept busy and had company other than the last couple of hours......daughter has had another tough day today by the sound of things :-( as she is on her own till Friday as Em is staying with her Dad.......it is so much tougher when youre on your own.

Im not seeing her tomorrow either......we are meeting up on Friday this week, in hindsight probably not the best week to skip our usual get together :-/

Well its bed time again, tomorrow is another day......will ne mostly on my own, until late afternoon, so will need to keep busy :-(

Take care all

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