Joe's Blips

By joesblips

A New Morning

Trouble they say, comes in threes.
First came the Credit Card problems. Then came the brown tap water, which is yukky to look at and proving impossible to clear. I have just come down from the loft where I have been cleaning out the water storage tank. Doesn't seem to have worked. We are currently using bottled water for pretty well everything.
To make matters absolutely worse, I filled up with petrol on the way home in preparation for a long drive to a business appointment in the morning. Turnes the key to drive home ...and NOTHING. Push start got the car going. Straight to repair shop. Starter motor kaput, without any warning whatsoever. Will borrow Mrs. Joesblips car tomorrow after she gets to work.
To cap it all this is what we awoke to this morning. The street outside the house!!

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