Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

The Coast of Southern California

Day 4 of Spring Break:

Yesterday we drove to the coast and spent the night. We woke-up this morning in Oceanside, just south of the largest marine base in the world -- Camp Pendleton. After our breakfast, we headed south to Carlsbad, which is the city where my Grammie Teele lived when I was a little girl. We drove to Grammie's former home to take some photos and remininsce.

Then we started our journey north (homeward) with a stop at the Dana Point Harbor (left corner). Before this piece of geography was converted into a harbor, Mr. Fun and his buddies used to surf here.

Then we drove further north to Balboa Island to walk some of the island and then sat and watched the bay and the boats (middle frame). Then we had a delicious dinner at a little Italian restaurant -- Thursday is date night for us and it was a great date!

After dinner we exited the island to watch the sunset from the bluff in Corona del Mar, which overlooks the Newport Beach jetty. We not only watched the sun, but we also got to see the University of California at Irvine's rowing team.

It's been a fabulous day. The weather folks are saying tomorrow is going to bring very hot temperatures!

We're home now and soon to go to bed. It's been a good day.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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