
Today has been a very good day. 
I arranged to meet my friend and her childminding children after Harp had a appointment. It's a beautiful place for all the children to run around and play. 

I cycled there and then to pick Lincoln up from nursery and then cycled home . It was near enough 10 miles. I was knackered by the time I got home . 

Carson is going through the phase that all boy's go through. 

Here's things I didn't ever think I would say but I do...

" Take your hands off your winky it's not a toy. 

"Take the duplo of your winky"

" No you cannot tickle stranger's"

" You cannot touch a stranger on the butt ". 

" Your winky is not a guitar, stop strumming it ". 

I can go on and on ;-) . 

The Wildlings will be getting bathed early and having a early night. The sunshine makes them all tired . And I will definitely sleep well tonight if the Wildlings let me . 

Another late night for Mr R, he had to travel down to York to meet a client. 

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