Second shot (2218)

This morning I had to hang around at home for the telephone engineer who was due to arrive sometime between 8am and 1pm. We have had an intermittent and bloody annoying problem with our phone line and internet connection. The phone line can be so noisy and crackly that it is next to useless and our broadband connection keeps on dropping out. We have had at least four visits from engineers who have told me that they have fixed the fault, so I wasn't holding out much hope for today.
The engineer showed up around 930 and spent a while doing various tests and sorting out a load of minor issues. He suspected a connection in a wall cavity was the main issue and I was beginning to think about cutting into the wall to give him access, when he took the cover off the phone socket and discovered a wiring fault previous engineers had missed. Apparently it is now fixed and our internet connection is faster. We shall see.
When he zoomed off, I had a quick, early lunch then headed back to the shepherd's hut to finish off the first fix plumbing.
I got it all done in time to head to town for my appointment to get my second dose of the Pfizer Covid vaccine. After the vaccination, I did as I was told and sat for 15 minutes in case I had an adverse reaction, and took my only pic of the day. Not a great pic, but perhaps an important one. I am very glad to have been stabbed again.
Back home to spend the evening with my beautiful wife 

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