
By cowgirl


After my morning job I did a bit more painting but had to leave at 1.30pm to be home in time for a supermarket delivery.

After putting away the groceries, I jumped in the shower ... only as I looked at my yellow top splattered with brown wood stain did it occur to me that I might have explained what it was because it does rather look like I’ve been caught by the wrong end of a cow!

Hmmm ... Anyway, once dressed in clothes that didn’t look like I’d been with cows, I nipped round to the vets. My friend with the deerhounds asked me to pick up some treatment two of them need. She’s in their new house in Wales with the dogs. Her husband is here, but was working late so I got the medicine and dropped it off at their house for him to post.

Sav had been in Wales for a couple of days and was back when I got home. He checked Myfanwy’s brake fluid and advised I don’t drive her til he’s fixed the leak there. I didn’t know there was a problem there! He said he noticed at the weekend ... well, ignorance is bliss I guess. Anyway, that’s another new thing she needs and I can’t drive her until I get one.

I realised I didn’t have a Blip, so today it’s my wisteria, which has suddenly burst into flower.

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