
By cowgirl

My day

I’ve missed a shot out really, but didn’t have one for my morning job ... after which I met Joy for a walk in a local wood.

We chose that area as it’s close the the new group of foody places where I bought my latest gin.

The cakes and coffee are fab! We skipped the gin shop today, but after we’d scoffed our cakes and coffee, we ventured to the vegetable, butchers and deli section. I took a few pictures to show Sav but didn’t get him anything. Thought he’d like to come to see for himself. I did by some spinach and leeks though - I got a leek in my supermarket delivery, but it was really just a large spring onion! The delivery guy told me to keep it but he’d refund it off my bill ... I should have sent it back so that someone would have had a word with whoever picked my order!

More painting after that!

Home. Shower. Dinner. Gin!

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