The waterfall in DC

I had such a good afternoon with Alsacienne that I don't even remember what I did this morning. 
Alsacienne showed me around the Georgetown waterfront. We asked people if we could take their pictures and EVERYONE said yes and all of them were good-looking, as were the giant pink teddy bears two of the men were sitting with (Covid social distancing, not their dates, but of course, they can date whoever they want). 

Even though we were in DC, I still found a waterfall. Ok, Alsacienne found it, but I figured it fit with the "chasing waterfalls" theme so I'm sharing that instead of the extremely well-built young man I photographed or the pictures of alsacienne I snuck. 

Someday we will return to offices and I will take pictures of DC instead of all my deer friends. 

I had my very first flat white! 

The US government found no evidence that aerial phenomena witnessed by Navy pilots were alien spacecraft. I know, I know, it is devastating. 

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