Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


Went to the Royal Opera House tonight. La Boheme. Very nice place the Royal Opera house but the cheap seats are a bit of a crush.  They had some technical problems backstage as well which meant that acts two and three were not as striking in terms of the set as they should have been.

The story of this opera is fairly straightforward. Emotionally unintelligent blokes hook up with fairly high maintenance women. Everyone splits up with everyone else. Then one of the women develops terminal illness. There then follows a tragic ending where blokes realise they have been pratts and women show their higher moral qualities in the face of death. The performances were very good, particularly the two female leads.

I dictated this entry using Siri. It turned La Boheme into Love Below, which I thought was quite apt.

Now gone midnight so I am pooped.

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