The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Appropriate Viewing

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Mary Doll and Victor came for lunch today. Mary Doll was in one of her slightly insane moods. The Eldest Mini Princess mentioned that we had Pose to watch this weekend.

Mary Doll: “What is that show?”

EMP: “Pose”

Mary Doll: “Is it American?”

EMP: “Yes”

Mary Doll (nose in air): “Hmph. Thought so. Sounds American. Is it a drama?”

EMP: “Yes”

Mary Doll: “Is it filthy*?”

Me: “What?”

Mary Doll: Well, is it?

Me: “No, we are having a break from hard core porn.”

EMP: “That was last week’s viewing.”


PS A massive “Happy Birthday” to you O’H dear!

*This is since I “let” my (old enough to get married) daughters watch Bridgerton!

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