Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom


Saturday's blip, backblipped on Sunday.

It must have been Silly Saturday because I got stuck halfway between!  All the effort to make the change made me too tired to post my blip last night so I waited until this morning when I'm back to "normal".  Thanks to 60plus for hosting for June in honor of Admirer!

My blip started with a phone selfie and a run through to create the image, then a quick stop in PS Elements for further tweaking.  I didn't even start on it until about 8 PM and by 9:00 my eyes were closing after an early start and long busy day.

Thanks to everyone for your visits and stars and hearts. They are all appreciated!  I'll try to get caught up with everyone later today when it gets too hot to be outside.  Right now, I'm going to try to get out for a bike ride and be back before noon when it will be close to 90F.  Summer has arrived!

I am grateful that one of the things we got done today (Saturday) was to get the air conditioners in the windows.  With two of them and a few strategically placed fans, they keep the house pretty cool. :-)

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