Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

In his Element

Our nephew is out on calls a lot of the time but he was just getting back when we pulled our camper into the work bay.  We had already checked in, so he mounted and installed our new tires while we waited in the air conditioned office.  His boss prepared our bill and, besides getting the tires for an incredible price, there weren't any labor charges.  I'm going to have to do something for them....probably involving baking.  Tyson will be getting a gift card. :-)

I can't say the new tires felt any different on the way home but I know they are definitely safer.  It was hard to replace tires that looked brand new, but we've heard horror stories about blow outs on "old" tires. Apparently, it's more about age than tread with camper tires.  Ours were 6 years old and the recommendation is to replace after 5 so we were right on time.

After finishing our work on the batteries, it took them less than 12 hours to fully charge from the solar panel on the roof, so we think they're fine.  We still need to check the water lines and make sure the appliances are working.  There's always a lot of preparation before the first trip, especially when the last one was almost 2 years ago!

I am grateful that there was room for us to park at our favorite place for breakfast.  We were both hungry on the way home but we thought the odds were really against us finding a place to park our 42 feet of truck and trailer! :-)

Thank you to everyone for your visits to my journal and for the stars and hearts.  I really appreciate all of them! xx

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