Birthday boy

Did a bit of work at the allotment, not really detectable to the casual glance, did some more statistics, made some bread pudding, and kept an eye on D's train(s) coming up from Hull. I could see there was some major disruption (damage to overhead lines near Berwick, Joan) and he was duly dumped out of his train at Newcastle and what sounded like about three trainloads of folk were crammed on to a diesel powered train that didn't head the power lines.

Fortunately I was able to re-schedule our slot in the Carriers Quarters where we were finally able to sit down and enjoy a pint, only an hour later than expected. They'd put us in the 'Tulip Room', a tiny and fairly private corner allegedly used by dealers in bulbs at the time of tulip mania.

He was proudly wearing the badge that Dr Goth in Hull had given him. Oh, the pint was so good.

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