
These are in a garden I passed today they had lots but I just took these two. What a lovely colour they are and big ones too.

Very warm day not a lot of sunshine though. Walked the dog,  Had lunch, Then delivered my batch of Parish Magazines, then had to take Molly another walk because I went out without her and she wanted to come with me, but I cant manage her my walking stick and delivering mags. (some peoples letter boxes can be the very devil on your fingers or on your back bending down.)

After that afternoon coffee and then a bit of garden work, had to re plant some stuff in pots, Hosta, Penstemon  etc as they were getting a bit overgrown with weeds so took them out of the pots, got rid of the weeds and then I transferred them into the garden in and around Maddy's garden.

Well thats another weekend over time is just flying by.

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