A MIMent In Time

By justmim


"It'd be so nice to look out the window
And see the leaves on the trees begin to show
The birds would congregate and sing
A song of birth a song of newer things"

- Relient K - Always Winter

Final week sprint is on!

So yesterday was a day of silly frustrations (going all the way into town to discover I'd left my laptop cable in the flat and so having to travel out/in again etc...) and getting stuck in a bit of a study guddle (until 6pm when a new wave of motivation hit and I ended up in the library until near 11pm).

I think foolish pride thought (hoped!) I would get through this dissertation thing with elegance and ease...so when I tried to depend on my own strength and reality hits I soon found myself flaking and flailing. Every now and again I need a little reminder of hope...that there's something else beyond all this...that it will come to an end. And now I'm on the less than one week count!

"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:7 - this has been a verse to hold on to over the past few days!

Today has been a better day so far. Last night's burst of motivation, detailed still-to-do list creation and blessing of sleep has gone a long way. As has the beauty of creation! But I ought to remember to not be fooled into thinking that I can do this on my own...the next 6 days could be a slog.

Soup eaten...back to work :) Could have done with learning this lesson sooner!

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