A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Chocolate at 10am? It would be rude not to... :)

Back in the library this morning less than 12 hours after leaving it last night... 4 days until I hopefully send my dissertation for printing!

Back at the flat for a quick dinner break then I'm planning on heading back into the library again. I have during the day tomorrow and Saturday afternoon/evening/night to work on it...by which point it should be essentially finished and I will be able to take a total break on Sunday. The theory is that I will be able to have a fresh look proof read on Monday (which hopefully won't find much to correct!) and can finally send it for printing!

That's the theory :)

Currently feeling a weird mix of absolutely shattered and utterly excited!

As much as I prefer working in the national library, it has been nice to see some familiar, smiling faces today :)

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