Pixelfoto's Journal

By Pixelfoto

Coffee's Ready

I had already made my blip this morning with no thought at all about Mono Monday. However I was making comments at lunchtime and spotted Rainie's blip which gave me the idea of converting this image to mono. I felt that a sepia tone suited the image.

Guy had a dental appointment this morning so we agreed that after I had done some shopping we would meet for coffee. Our chosen coffee shop doesn't open on a Monday but this one does. As it was a pleasant day, warm but not sunny, we decided to sit outside. The coffee was very good. Unfortunately there was no way of telling if the biscuits were milk free so we had to ignore them.

I managed another 2 one hour sessions in the garden today but that will have to be it now for a couple of weeks.  We are going to the Lake District on Friday for 6 nights and as I am having a manicure tomorrow I don't want to do any more damage to my nails before we go. I found two nice looking plants this morning at a reasonable price, a white osteospermum for the front garden and a pink salvia for the back. I had a space in mind for them and they are now planted. Filling the remainder of the newly cleared bed will have to wait.

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