Pixelfoto's Journal

By Pixelfoto

Fish Ladder

I was ready to go to church early so took the longer route to get my steps up. We don't actually have any fish in our river that would make use of this new latter. Over the past few months improvements are being made to the water flow in the river by various means.  We had a  lovely service with music by 'Spirit of Harmony', keyboard, guitar, recorder and clarinet rather than the organ. They are allowed to sing but unfortunately the congregation are not. I wonder when that will be allowed?

Now that our conservatory is more pleasan to sit in we are trying to get into the habit of having our coffee in there rather than sitting at our computers. It was lovely in there with the doors open, looking at the garden and listening to the birdsong.

After lunch I spent another hour in the gardening but not digging this time, just a bit of watering and feeding. One of the water buts is completely empty!

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