By lizzie_birkett

Flying Lessons

The first thing I did after breakfast was go to the churchyard to check on Baby Jack(daw). He was up and about. I gave him some cat food and then carefully picked him up and placed him on a low gravestone. He plucked up the courage to fly down and crash landed in the high soft grass. I did it again a few times and he got better each time. Then I held him aloft in one hand and he climbed onto my index finger, sat for a while looking around then flew down. A voice behind me said 'Oh how sweet.'
I looked round and there was a lady with her dog. It was meant to be! She had also seen the bird the day before. She told me she had rescued a moorhen a few years ago and he still comes back to their house even though he now lives wild. I told her that we had to leave today and she said she would take over checking on him and feeding him. She told me about her Facebook page about the moorhen - Jelly Tot's Story and I joined so we can keep in touch.

I felt happier about leaving then and we had a lovely journey to Bingley 5 Rise. (5 Locks together) The weather has been gorgeous. 
We got here about 4 ish and after a cuppa and Frank preparing a curry for tea I cut his hair on the side of the tow path to the amusement of people walking by. one man hinted that I could cut his but I said I'm not a real hairdresser!

We are both really tired. Some of the swing bridges along the way were almost impossible to push open, if it wasn't for the kindness and help of strangers we would never have got through.
Canal and River Trust really should sort them out.

Book and bedtime now.
Goodnight :-)x

PS If any local Blippers are around tomorrow do knock on the boat - Fiddlesticks - it would be lovely to meet you. If there's no answer we will be taking Bella walkies ;-)

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