By lizzie_birkett

Baby Jackdaw

We moved the boat last night about 9pm as the church bells, although lovely were very loud every 15 minutes and Frank is a light sleeper. We didn't move far but found a spot with a lovely view.
This morning we took Bella for a walk along the canal then down across fields to another path, parallel to where we started. There are so many beautiful wild flowers everywhere, some I know well and others I don't. The path took us into Kildwick and to St Andrew's Church where we were last night. I went through the church yard and graveyard while Frank took Bella round the village. On my way round the back of the church tower I saw this young bird 
(?Jackdaw) just sitting there. He seemed very young and allowed me quite close. Of course I didn't touch him, though I think I could have done. I took some photos then left him in case the parents wanted to fly down.
Later on I went to the Co-Op for some rolls and came back through the churchyard. The little bird was still there looking bewildered. I could see the nest in the church tower and adult birds flying in and out. I sprinkled some tiny crumbs in front of baby bird but he had no interest - that shows how young it must be.
I then thought, if I throw some big pieces they may attract the big ones down and they would hopefully see to the baby one.
But no - they did fly down but just stuffed their beaks and flew off, ignoring the baby. I hope it hasn't been abandoned. I'll check on it again a bit later.

I managed to have a look inside the church as a service had just finished. It was quite pretty but the beautifully beamed roof inside was hidden behind fine white netting, I presume to prevent anything with wings flying up there. It seemed a shame. There was a nice stained glass window though. I heard voices from the back somewhere and 2 ladies appeared, one shouting 'Hello, hello!'
I told her I'd seen the doors wide open and 
just wanted to have a look inside.
'Well we're not officially open.' She said - rather stonefaced - and she just stood and waited till I left, which I did after a very polite 'Thank you!'

The canal is busy with day trip hire boats and there is much hilarity as they are learning to steer - many with a few drinks inside them! There are no drink driving laws on the canal ;-D))

We are having a relaxed day here and won't be moving today. Frank has been painting and I cleaned the bathroom but now I'm going to knit and he is playing guitar on the back deck.
It rained last night and was cloudy this morning but the sun is coming out now.

Now it's time for cake!
Well it is Sunday after all :-b
Hope your Sunday is a good one.

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