Birthday Girl

The problem with Mrs S’s age holding is that the age difference between us is increasing, almost to the point where people will be talking about it soon!
I do believe that Mrs S had a great day though, a lazy start with bacon and eggs followed by Paddy’s walk, longer than usual as he wasn’t going to get out later.
The afternoon and evening were spent sitting around the dining table with friends indulging ourselves.
Nibbles by the plate load, cream teas, (jam first), and alcohol, rather a lot of it. A complete bottle of ‘Sapper’ gin, gin for the Royal Engineers, was consumed by Clare and two friends, Sam seemed determined to drink everything in the cupboard that was coming to the end of its shelf life, I stuck with a few IPA.
When looking for gifts for Mrs S I am aware that she enjoys things that are made for her, hence the lead lined, flower filled trough with solar powered lights cascading from the watering can.
Mrs S loves it and that’s what really matters.

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