Symffoni mewn du a gwyn
Symffoni mewn du a gwyn ~ Symphony in black and white
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Mae'n ddiddorol arbrofi gyda gweld yr un olygfa mewn lliw, du a gwyn, agos ac un bell. Rydw i’n ffeindio fy mod i'n tynnu lluniau gwahanol mewn ym mhob achos. Tynnir y llygad at wahanol nodweddion bob tro a'r ffocws yn newid. Mae yna lawer o ffotograffau mewn unrhyw foment.
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It's interesting to experiment with seeing the same scene in colour, black and white, near and far. I find that I take different pictures in each case. The eye is always drawn to different features and the focus shifts. There are many photographs in any moment.
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