Bright Eyes

Today's the day ........................... to rabbit on

Is it just me - or are rabbits making a bid for world domination this year?

They seem to be everywhere - and in vast numbers - and what's more they are fearless.  There was a time when rabbits would bound off in a hurry if ever someone came near.  Now they just don't care.  They hardly look up from whatever they're munching - and just carry on as if you weren't there.

The first thing Will did when we came here, was to put up a rabbit-proof fence round the garden.  Fingers crossed it seems to be holding out so far - but make no mistake, we are most definitely under attack.  They are creeping ever closer - and the damage they could cause if they did break through, doesn't bear thinking about.

It'll end in tears - just hope they're not ours .........................

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