Burnham Norton

This was my path as I was cycling the last leg home. You can just make out the marsh harrier hunting over this field (on the horizon line). I was a bit relieved it didn’t catch anything whilst I was looking although I appreciate it will have young to feed but I could see agitated hares amongst the crop.

I overdid it a bit, cycling mostly across country to Wells, picking up various paths, crossing through the Holkham estate, down to the beach (stopping for a walk out to the sea) and the coast path and back again. As I came through Burnham Overy Town (a hamlet!) I saw a woman getting out of her car and was sure I recognised her. It was Mrs HS ... I hadn’t seen her for many years and she looked a bit bewildered when I accosted her to said hello. Sadly her husband had died last May after some years of ill health and she hadn’t been able to be with him and her eldest son and his family have been living in New Zealand for years now although the other two are in the UK.
Too many added extras.

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