Elephant Enclosure, Green Park, London
An absolutely exhausting week work wise so I'm unbelievably glad that it's Friday and it's wine and a bung in the oven meal. Needless to say the KPI (Key Performance Indicators) that we are supposed to be working to have not been implemented even though we were told it was all starting on Monday and we would be in trouble if we didn't meet them!
I was stuck for an image today but came across these elephants in Green Park on the way to catch my train. This is what I've found out about them:
A herd of life-sized sculptures of elephants have arrived in London, and are on display ahead of being sold for charity.
Each of the 100 Asian elephants was made by communities in the Nilgiri Hills of Southern India where they coexist in denser populations than anywhere else in the world.
The sculptures have been crafted from Lantana camara, a plant introduced to Asia where it has become a notorious weed; toxic to grazing animals and outcompeting native species leading to a reduction in biodiversity.
Chopping down a toxic weed is now able to be a fundraiser for wildlife.
They’re now on a global tour, which has stopped in London for a few weeks.
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