Thursday: Taps

We went to Darby’s to meet my former assistant, Erica, for a few drinks.  Just after K. and I got off the bus and were crossing the road, we saw my Irish colleague, Frank, who was stopped at the traffic lights in his car.  We gave each other a hearty wave.

We’d just sat down when Frank appeared and said he’d join us for a drink.  He’s a really nice guy and always a good laugh.  We told him Erica was joining and I said: ‘You remember Erica?  You interviewed her for a job once but didn’t give it to her’.  Frank’s reaction of ‘oh, shite’ was priceless.  Anyway, he stopped for a while and we had a good time.

We’d forgotten that kitchens close early at the moment so missed the food window.  Fortunately, we’d had a bit of a snack earlier in the evening so we waited until we got home where K whisked up bacon and egg butties.

It was great to see Erica - she’s super bright and good fun.  

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