Tiagito the Tearaway

This little one kept me on my toes today - he's into absolutely everything! He also loves throwing things... by the end of our time together the flat looked an absolute state and the kitchen table was piled high with things I'd had to quickly move out of his way! 
Asha went with school to Ibiza's sister island, Formentera, today. She had a brilliant time and loved the ferry there and back - she came home shattered! We dropped her friend home too and she looked equally tired! Quiet afternoons for all!!
Tonight I was treated to a delicious Vietnamese dinner out. So brilliant to have a night with Sara, Marcial joined us for part of it too! 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The safe arrival of my friends baby, Giorgia. It was one of the crazy things in yesterday! I forgot to mention it! Great to get more photo updates today from Juliette!
2) Lovely messages from Tiago's parents.
3) Stimulating conversation with Sara. 

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