
By MamaOfBoys

An autumn day

This morning was beautiful, sun was shining bright but the air was cool, a gorgeous autumn day.

Took my boys to school and kindy, we always walk so today was even nicer.

After that I walked to meshino to get a drink and a savoury muffin before my midwife appointment, I sat in the park across the road watching people train in the park. It was so quiet and relaxing, leaves of all colours lay on the ground.

When I left the park to go to the midwife I found some chestnuts on the ground and put them in my bag.I remember in primary school the boys would put string around them and play conkers.
The aim of conkers is to take turns to hit the each others conker ( two player game) until it breaks - total boys game that I never understood but now having boys I do, I haven't yet taught them this game I can imagine they would hit other things with them or each other so I'll wait a bit yet.

My midwife had to leave before she could see me to attend a birth so I was a little down about it I had been looking forward to hearing baby's heartbeat but I will see her on Saturday so it'll be nice because my husband will be able to come meet her and hear baby's heart too.

The afternoon was hot so stayed inside with my air con on, picked up my kids who both had a great day and enrolled my Marley moo in school, he starts in October.

Feeling super tired tonight Andre ( my hubby) made dinner- homemade pizza. So yummy and I love when he cooks.

Now kids are in bed, Its my me time so grand designs then bones and cup of herbal tea!

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