Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Tea for two

It was just one of those days when you really need a good cup of tea and a scone! Miss Boo and I popped in here this afternoon - we reckoned after cleaning all of our windows we deserved a wee treat.

OK, so we only did the insides.... but it was still a lot! ;o)
And lets not forget there was the energy consumed in spotting a window cleaner at a flat opposite, trying and failing to catch his attention, then running downstairs, stalking and accosting him on the street so that he felt obliged to come straight up and tackle our extremely manky windows!

(We also spent a lot of time just gazing out of our now transparent windows - who knew there was so much to see. They even reflect stuff they are so shiny, its amazing.)

So we rewarded our efforts at 'Tea Tree Tea'. It has the bonus of being local and, well, just excellent really. :O)
V tasty tea, yummy cakes, lovely friendly staff and just an altogether great laid back atmosphere make it my fave place to go for a good cuppa.
We highly rec. Just follow the white rabbit...

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