Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Take a long walk...

Its all cold and rainy today. Brrrrr! We went out for a rather brisk walk along the beach and through the town then headed back to hole up in the warmth. Luckily we have a lovely big room with a beautiful view (even if it is a bit misty and rain filled right now!) so its no hardship at all to curl up and read books, watch telly, eat nice food and philosophically discuss the meaning of life....

No, not really, I'm more likely to discuss the merits of Peanut Butter M and M's versus Reeses Pieces. (definitely Peanut Butter M+M's, they have more peanut butter in them and are therefore tastier....and I feel a little sick now...)

However, having found to our amazement that we actually have decent wifi here I've been most productive and finally managed to catch up and put lots of photos on Flickr! :o)
So if you'd like to see more from our travels over the past few weeks click on the appropriate links below....

Los Angeles

San Francisco

The Grand Canyon

New Orleans




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