The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

An Offer To Refuse

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

At the end of cycling class today, instructor dude was telling us that he’s training in massage for sports injuries and hopes to hold a class when he qualifies - “So if any of you need anything rubbed…”

Cue snorting from Kitty Cat and me. Luckily we were at the back of the class already!

The Prince and I went out with Kitty Cat and Marsh tonight for dinner and drinks.

The boys were VERY excited about our first Saturday night out together in a long time. That excitement manifested in jugs of Margarita which pretty much had the same effect as an argument with a steam roller*.

The Eldest Mini Princess was babysitting for KC and Marsh and was very amused to see The Prince, who was mainly communicating non-verbally and with diminished motor-control!


*I was only saved by my dislike of tequila

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