Just a touch ...of Yellow

Please note...The Bossess has a jersey on here and The boss in behind, had his sweat on too. This is one of my favourite things, a walk with The Bossess after grub but before work...so to bark.
There is no doubt that the colour is starting to show and this will accelerate as the weeks pass. Often The Poplars turn early but sometimes this is not an Autumn change but an issue caused by dry weather and the colour has a dirty look to it. The Boss thinks his shorts days are numbered...something to do with his knees getting numb. Numb...Numbered. You would think the words are related Eh?

Oh big thanks for your support yesterday. I suspect that some new followers have not read my Bio. So to them I say WOOF!!!
Well better go and catch up a bit.

Run and catch up?

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