River of Flowers

By doffy

Monday: #30DaysWild

White flowers  … loved by all the pollinating insects, some flowers have more scent at night and attract moths, which in turn attract bats …
After hanging the washing outdoors to dry I did an hour or so of gardening.
Replaced a pane of glass at the bottom of the greenhouse roof. Started clearing space between the greenhouse and the black currant bushes, ivy, brambles and clumps of grass into the green bin.
Many of the pots of plants were bone dry, I have a few plastic troughs which were the right size - using the “smelly” water from the small water butt, lots of leaves from the sycamore collect in the shed gutters and ferment!
There was a beautiful crescent moon last night which I’d planned for my Blip but sky is overcast tonight.
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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