Over the Barriers and Beyond

It was a lovey calm sunny morning as I made my way on the bus to St Margaret’s Hope to meet Poppy. The journey is an hour of Orkney sightseeing as the bus travels from Stromness in the west of the Mainland to Kirkwall on the east and then over the barriers all the way south to the Hope.
Another 4 miles by car and I finally arrive at one of the prettiest and possibly smallest hamlets in the UK where the road ends and the few houses hug the shore.

I haven’t seen Poppy since we were together for the Shetland Wool week in 2019 so we felt we could share a hug at seeing each other again. I got a warm reception from Lottie who decided I had come to be a third pair of hands to cuddle her and a sedate arm bump from Mike.

Plans were made for the time after lunch but somehow the hours slipped away with much chatter, stained glass admiring and of course a lot of knitting discussion, without any of the plans being executed.

We didn’t pay any attention to the change in weather, with wind, rain, and mist taking the place of sunshine. The bus home was through an invisible mist shrouded countryside.
I have had a lovely day again with friends in an idyllic setting.

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