Linaria purpurea - Purple toadflax
Another beautiful day ahead, it was a toss up between ironing or going to the plot ... I went to the plot. I planted the gherkin seedlings, tying them in, building a barricade in case the flipping pheasant were temped, oh plus slug pellets. Fingers crossed they will survive, it won't be for the lack of trying that is for sure. I weeded, watered, & trimmed the paths, by which time it was warming up. A quick chat with Richard & Shirley, then I left for town to fetch the paper. I spotted the bees on this patch of toadflax adjoining a friends house. She does'nt own this piece of garden but has cheekily scattered this seed plus pot marigold on the gravel. I'd already taken some pics of the Love-in-the-mist on my allotment but this deserved a Blip.
Back at base, I tidied the back border, popped some Cosmos seedlings in the front garden, then popped some veggie seeds in trays. Parsnip, rainbow chard, & climbing French beans, plus 2 more courgette. I'm trying to plan growing a quick crop to follow the potatoes. Bayz, a friend of hubby's arrived for a coffee. He bought a couple of plants and gave me £10 for the charity, then a lady arrived to look at the plants, she bought 1plant, plus I gave her some seeds. Another donation of £20 from Maria, a friend I first met in Koh Samui back in 2002. She & her husband rented a bungalow opposite ours. Bill was a computer whizz which came in very handy as that was when I got my first laptop, so he was able to help me get to know the ropes. So the final total raised is a huge £557. I've already started cuttings for next year ... Euphorbia purpurea, Ajuga reptans, & some pieces of saxifrage prepared today. I just can't help it.
Horse racing from the Royal Ascot meeting on the tv .. with limited race goers spread very thinly across the stands, then I see footage of Euro2021 Hungary v Portugal football match with a jam packed stadium. ???
Stuffed lambs hearts for tonight's dinner ... got the thumbs down, so won't be making them again. It's hubby's 77th birthday tomorrow. He's requested no fuss, & a Thai noodle soup for dinner tomorrow night. :-D I should be able to do that ...
Thanks to Pinkhairedlady for hosting Tiny Tuesday. This weeks # is Blue
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