
she looks extremely awkward in this photo, the issue was being photographed by her house parent, not the new dress. She messaged me to tell me how delighted she is with her new dress. School emailed on Sunday to say the dress code for Friday's cathedral concert is long black dresses for the girls. She didn't have one. So I made one, without her to measure or test, and posted it on Monday lunchtime. She'd promised to try it straight it on so we could sort something else if it didn't fit but she loves it. 

She was really upset on the phone last night. To cheer her up, I told her I had a ticket for her concert on Friday and she could spend a night with me if she wanted. But she felt she had to say no thank you because it would upset her too much to say goodbye. But she was upset at the thought of not having me there as well. She's struggling with how to deal with her big feelings. She feels dismissed by her house parent so won't talk to her. She likes her class teacher but not in a going and talking about struggles kind of way. And she can't handle how upset she gets if she talksbto me. Today, thankfully, one of the team at school has suggested she see Katie regularly and try build a safe space for her in the hope she may feel there's someone who wants to listen.

Her house parent told me that Katie had really enjoyed having the new paddling pool in the last few days. It is good to hear the fun, but it's tough when I know Katie's putting on her brave face to the people she should trust then falling apart when she is out of their sight. But paddling pool fun is good. And new dresses made without measuring that fit are good.

I am, however, going to teach her to tie a tidy bow! 

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