Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium

Dream Team!

Today was the day I've been waiting for all week - huskies! This morning each of us was given our own little team of dogs, given a short demonstration on how to manage them, and then we headed out into the forests and countryside for a few hours of fun (but very relaxing) sledding.

These were two of my team of three dogs (you can see the third in between them in the background), and as you can see, they were pretty excited to get running again after we stopped for lunch! I was lucky to get a really strong team, the guy in the sled in front of me had 6 dogs and I still found myself braking a lot to avoid crashing into the back of him, we were so much faster. And they were still going strong towards the end when other dogs were looking a bit exhausted, I was very proud :)

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