Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Trying out the new Wandsworth look

It was a bright sunny morning, a quiet moment before Jewsons deliver our timber and concrete, so let's see what it's like to be "banged up," as I believe the expression is.

One of Mr Huhne's former chums in Parliament has requested that his sentence be reviewed as he thinks it's too short. You really do find out very quickly who your friends are when you are down. In rugby that's known as a cheap shot, i.e. behind the ref's back; in politics I think they call it "life as normal."

It was pleasant to walk out of the gates and find that nobody had fixed a parking ticket to the boss' car. JazzyB has been her usual calm, controlled self in the face of my aggravation with the suppliers. Ta. :-)))

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