Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2021 Monday — Mitzi’s Day

When I woke-up this morning, Mr. Fun had been awake for hours and he had called the veterinarian office as soon as they opened to confirm Mitzi’s appointment — I thought the appointment was for late Friday afternoon and Mr. Fun had assured me that no, it was going to be Monday afternoon — and the appointment was 5:30 this evening. Ugh! I had not given her a bath yesterday and her fur felt grubby dirty. I wasn’t going to take her to see the Vet without giving her a bath first.

I’ve never bathed our dogs. Mr. Fun does the baths; I do the blow dry and brushing. With a terribly painful knee Mr. Fun would not be giving our fur-babies a bath.

I moved both cars out of the garage so that I would have room to bath Mitzi in the garage sink and brush and blow her fur. The big reward was her soft clean fur.

Because of Covid, the Veterinarian Office will not let customers wait in their waiting room, but outside, and they phone to let us know we can come in. We also have used two other Veterinarian Offices in this area and they won’t allow the customer to come in with the pet. Centennial Veterinarian Office lets customers in the exam room with their pets. I really like that.

Mr. Fun always goes to the Vet with us; today his knee problems grounded him at home. So Mitzi and I ventured out on our own to see Dr. Craft. It was a good visit. We got the prescriptions we needed. Relief.

Good night from
Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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