The Mighty Merrimack

I picked Na'iema up today and we took a stroll down to the river because of the wide and uncrowded sidewalks along the river where she could ride her scooter.  Then onto the hot dog vendor at the Mill buildings.  After that we came home after a quick stop at the local market where we picked up some water balloons - her first experience with them.  I filled about 80 balloons and then cleaned up all the colorful pieces.  I was ready for a nap after that and so was she.  The Mill buildings (where Logan and Josie and Na'iema live) are home to many innovative technology type businesses these days and we often see inventors out on the sidewalk trying out their latest robotic inventions.  In Extra, I stopped to chat with Mr. Baer, the inventor of Video Games and Na'iema snapped our photo.  All-in-all a fun day and I'm headed to bed early.

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