A Glimpse At Who I Am!

By georgexx


The flower in today's blip is sagging and tired....rather like me today! Was given a 4am wake up call and I've not stopped all day! The girls have just been collected by their mum who is still very hungover! I feel the same but without the good night out to remember for it!

Charlotte had her first blood results today! Always rather worrying when the dr rings you up an tells you that you need to go for further tests less than 48hours after the test was done! Back at paediatrics tomorrow! Hope she is ok and it isn't anything major! I didn't understand the medical jargon but its something to do with high white cells and low red ones! Refuse to google it as well cos then I will worry!

Right I'm off to tidy my bomb site of a house and maybe enjoy a nice soak in the bath in a bit! Or just sleep maybe! Night all!

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