A Glimpse At Who I Am!

By georgexx

Modern Technology

This is the scene in my house at present! We have hubby playing on his phone, my sister on her iPad, Charlotte on my iPad and me on my phone! We could be an advert for apple I think!!!!!

Been a busy day today! Charlotte has quite bad anaemia but is ok other than that! Her high white cell count is most likely due to her cold but she has to be retested next week to check its going down! If it isn't she will be admitted for further tests to rule out anything too serious! They don't seem too concerned though!

She's been dressed as Snow White all day for comic relief! I think her nursery raised quite a bit which is good!!!! And it means a good night on the tv as well!!!! Another busy day tomorrow with guides cake sale, shopping and going to the in laws to pick up charlottes bike! And the rugby as well!!!

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