A blast

Well it's been a absolute blast. The Wildlings had a fantastic holiday.
They also managed to get their dad to buy them even more toys and bubble guns from the Roy store before we left. 

 We're still on our way home as traffic jams have added a extra 3hours on our journey, but we have passed the 'welcome to Scotland' sign. 

I am absolutely knackered. Been awake since half 3 but the Jedi went back over then. Bless his wee wreck it Ralph socks, he's not feeling well today and has a wee sore throat. Hasn't really had food which is unlike him. Thank goodness for Peppa pig on my tablet. 

The Wildlings have done so well being cooped up in the car. And so have nana and grandad. It's not exactly a quiet car ;-)) 

Mr R is going out tonight with the boy's to watch the Footie. They are watching it on a big screen set up outside at the Crichton. I don't think I would be bothered after driving 8hours so far . 

Happy Friday. X 

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