From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970


Lazy - yes that's me! Don't get me wrong, I got up at a reasonable time (7:30am) which was half an hour earlier than yesterday. I had my shower, trundled downstairs and then made myself a lovely gooey egg toastie but after that I'm ashamed to say that I turned into Homer Simpson with my arse groove well and truly marked into the settee; repetitive strain injury likely from gripping the TV remote control switching channels from one pile of tripe to another pile of tripe.


What few braincells I have will evaporate over the next couple of weeks I think. I did watch last night's Sons of Anarchy though - Bony wasn't on there - and I enjoyed that! Great stuff! Also, I dug my Kindle out and have managed to get into Dracula Rekindled which I am enjoying again.

In the afternoon, in a wild burst of energy, I gave next door's cat a fright with my rediscovered Super Soaker water gun from the shed. The poor thing was lurking in the bushes hoping to shock the birds. Seriously, the birds are too fast anyway but the cat has a big bum and couldn't get through the gap in the fence. He did eventually, so avoided a colonic irrigation, a treatment many health freaks would pay a fortune for! He was back a couple of hour later swishing his tale and hissing at me but even just one step of mine towards the back door sent him flying yowling away to his own garden.

This cheerful little fellow, several sparrows and tits showed their appreciation by putting in an appearance later. My Twitter pal Ann (@atocher) and cat lover chose the picture. I don't know what she or her husband Baxter will think of my cat treatment!

Track? This is a fantastic self-indulgent one from Deep Purple - Lazy

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