Our .............

 ..............lilies are fabulous this year - a lot blooming and still a lot to come!
This was taken during the (very) early morning rain when I still had my wide-angle lens on but it came out okay.  Glad I got it done early as it rained HARD for most of the day.

More vibrant ..........

Smile for the Day:

Lily went to a nearby pharmacy to buy her partner some deodorant.

A sales assistant comes up to her and asks what she's looking for.

" I'm looking for some deodorant for my boyfriend, but I don't know what kind he uses. "

" Is it the ball type? "  the sales assistant asked

" No ," Lily replied. " It's for his armpits. "

;o))    (naughty!)

~ Anni ~

This is Friday uploaded on Saturday.

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